SubWallet | Polkadot Wallet

SubWallet, short for Subsidiary Wallet, is a decentralized wallet solution designed to provide users with enhanced security and control over their digital assets.



SubWallet, short for Subsidiary Wallet, is a decentralized wallet solution designed to provide users with enhanced security and control over their digital assets. This guide will take you through the key steps of utilizing SubWallet, from installation to secure management.

Step 1: Installing SubWallet

  1. Visit the Official SubWallet Website: Go to the official SubWallet website to ensure you are downloading the authentic application.

  2. Download the App: Locate the download section on the website and download the SubWallet application suitable for your device (iOS, Android, or other platforms).

  3. Install the App: Follow the installation instructions for your device. Ensure your device's security settings allow installations from unknown sources if you're downloading from a third-party app store.

Step 2: Creating Your SubWallet

  1. Open the App: Launch the SubWallet application on your device.

  2. Create a New Wallet: Choose the option to create a new wallet. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up a secure wallet. This typically involves creating a strong password and receiving a recovery seed phrase.

  3. Record Your Seed Phrase: Write down and store your seed phrase in a safe place. This is crucial for recovering your wallet if you forget your password or lose access to your device.

Step 3: Adding Assets to Your SubWallet

  1. Explore Supported Cryptocurrencies: SubWallet often supports various cryptocurrencies. Explore the list and choose the assets you want to manage in your wallet.

  2. Add Custom Tokens: If you have tokens not automatically added, use the wallet interface to add custom tokens by entering their contract addresses.

Step 4: Making Transactions

  1. Sending Cryptocurrency: To send digital assets, navigate to the "Send" section, enter the recipient's address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction.

  2. Receiving Cryptocurrency: Obtain your wallet address from the "Receive" section. Share this address with others to receive digital assets.

Step 5: Security Features

  1. Biometric Authentication: Some SubWallets offer biometric authentication for an additional layer of security. Enable this feature in the wallet settings.

  2. PIN Protection: Set up a personal identification number (PIN) for quick and secure access to your wallet.

Step 6: Keeping Your SubWallet Secure

  1. Regular Backups: Periodically back up your wallet, especially after adding new assets or making significant changes.

  2. Update the App: Stay informed about updates and regularly update your SubWallet application to benefit from the latest security enhancements.


SubWallet provides a secure and user-friendly environment for managing your digital assets. By following this guide, you can confidently install, set up, and use SubWallet to explore the world of decentralized finance while keeping your assets safe and secure.

Last updated